October 31, 2018

The Story of Real Estate Steve, with Steven Szumigale

Episode 28:

Steve is an entrepreneur, real estate investor, and real estate agent. He is founder, of Freedom Sky Real Estate. www.freedomsky.com (2016- Current) A 2nd generation licensed real estate agent and a National Sales Excellence® award winner (Awarded to Top 5% of Realtors® USA 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017) 250+ Transactions Closed (2010- Current). Steve has a master’s degree in real estate investing: a graduate of real estate legend & guru, Ron LeGrand’s Master’s Program & Personal Mentorship (2017-2019)

What you’ll learn about in this episode:

  • How Steven became a part of Planet Ron, and how he’s found fantastic success in less than a year
  • Steven’s process for locating prospects and generating leads, and for converting them to deals
  • How Steven has successfully used Ron LeGrand’s DREAMS system and Gold Club as a starting point for his real estate career
  • Example conversations Steven uses when he is following up with potential sellers for leads
  • How Steven has been able to use Facebook to generate leads and complete deals
  • What methods Steven uses to stay in contact with and follow up with leads, and what rate of success he’s found
  • Why Steven focuses on “quality” leads instead of “quantity” of leads, and why having an online presence has been crucial
  • What goals Steven has set for himself and his business for the remainder of this year and for 2019
  • Why Steven believes the only way to learn is to “cling to a mentor” and discover what you don’t know
  • How to get involved with Ron’s real estate Mastermind group to learn to make a seven-figure income
  • What challenge served as the biggest roadblock for Steven when he first got started in his career

Additional resources:

One Comment:

  1. Kim Mulonet says:

    Thanks Ron & Steve
    The Dreams system sounds great to create a consistent contact with Sellers and buyers plus keep track of all the little things I need to remember.
    I am not sure if you can create or order yellow letters in this system?
    Thanks again Kim M.

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